Thursday, August 2, 2007

Letter from Belinda and Eric

To All Those Who Visit This Site:

First of all we’d like to thank the citizens of Washington D.C. and everywhere else for their support and fortitude. We cannot thank you enough. Your letters, calls and e-mails contributed greatly to freeing Sidney on August 8th.

Sidney is back home in Brooklyn enjoying his old routine, sitting in the sun on the pillows in the windows around our home, taking walks to the local park and playing with his ball and toys. We are so grateful to be back in New York as a whole family.

Sidney's case sheds light on the well-known flaws with the Dangerous Dog Act that is going beyond its purposes and is pulling in and destroying innocent animals because authorities do not take the dog themselves into consideration.

This whole experience brought home for us the plight of animals in shelters, especially Pit Bulls and other gorgeous dogs with Pit Bull in their mix. The saddest thing for us each day was seeing good dogs walked by Sidney's cage to their deaths all because they were unlucky to be born in D.C. with Pit Bull in their mix. We wish we could have taken all of them with us back to New York. It is up to each one of us in our communities to change that.

There is a quote that a friend illuminated for us that went something like: "Just as my life has full meaning to me, so also the life of every living creature must have full meaning to itself." Before the incident of July 4th, we never really could know what that quote meant. Now we do.

We hope we can return the help sometime for someone from Washington D.C. stranded in New York. We are thankful to live in a city where all dogs are treated with respect and protection. We only hope that our country can turn itself around and move forward toward a more humane and compassionate society.

For the love of all animals, we’ll remain yours sincerely,

Belinda Blum and Eric Wallach

Sidney’s Guardians

Brooklyn, New York

1 comment:

CAC said...

My partner and I have a pitbull and two staffordshire bull terriers, who we love a great deal. My partner and two of our dogs are from Queens. Our third staffie was adopted after my partner and her (now our) two dogs moved in with me just over the DC border in Maryland. We have both written letters and e-mailed everyone we could to save Sidney. We are both thrilled he is home and safe.