Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Photos of Sidney's Release

(Photos by Blogger. Please click on the photos to enlarge.)

1- Eric (on far side of camera) and Belinda (with Ruby) waiting for Sidney's release (Sean Day, Sidney's lawyer is to the left).

2- Sidney greeting (if that's the word) Eric upon his release.*

3- Sidney looking up to Eric for his first command in 36 days. We can only imagine what Sidney was thinking: "When can we get out of Dodge?" Our best guess is that you are looking at a dog who is truly experiencing joy.*

4- The first thing Sidney did upon getting in the car was to hit the driver's seat. I think we know what he was thinking at this point.

5- After Belinda took the driver's seat, Sidney started making his first real bed in 36 days.

* Please look at the wall to the left in photos 2 and 3. There are perhaps a few dozen dogs and cats behind that wall who have no one like Eric and Belinda to care for them. The lucky adoptable ones may make it out, others will not. Pit bulls, by the District's policy, are not tested for adoptability, so they never make it out and are euthanized. DC is not going to change that policy unless we force that change and accept the responsibilities that go along with that. The solution is not to ban pit bulls from the District as one city councilman wants to do, because then some other dogs will suffer the same fate as pit bulls. The solution is to educate people on the responsibilities involved with dog ownership. Can anyone remember when they last saw a public service advertisement on that subject?

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